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Milkshakes & Chili: Autism Fundraisers March 28th & 29th


Great things happen when you least expect them, and we have TWO special events to announce that will be here and then gone!!!

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Dawson’s School House of Chili and Cornerstone Autism Foundation had such a grand time partnering offering the first fundraiser together during Saint Patrick’s weekend!

Thursday, March 28th from 10am till 11pm at House of Chili just off from Chauncey Village near Purdue campus another great time to take friends and family, grab some bowls of warm deliciousness and maybe even something cold to wash it down with and support autism.

20% of Everything purchased Thursday will benefit Cornerstone Autism Foundation and their continuing goal of supporting those who need help in the autism community.

(Remember to let them know you are there to Cornerstone).


Our second announcement is a special campaign at Chick-fil-A to benefit autism.

BUT They need a good name for it, and we need your help!

E-mail your submissions for a cool name for the autism milkshake benefit and Cornerstone Autism Foundation will give the winner a backpack full of fun goodies.

E-mail to the Foundation Director Natalee Mace:

Winner will be chosen Friday, March 29th!

P.S.: A portion of all milkshake sales at Chick-fil-Aduring Autism Awareness month in April will be donated to Conrerstone Autism Foundation.