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    Prep for Autism Benefit, Cornerstone Fall Festival, in Full Swing


                          ride_for_autism_logo (1)rock _for_autism_logofamily_fun_for_autism

    The Cornerstone Autism Foundation is burning the candle at both ends preparing for the Cornerstone Fall Festival which will be held the last weekend in September. And the festival is not just one event, but THREE over the course of the weekend!

    Natalee Mace, a mother of two boys who have autism, is Cornerstone Autism Foundation’s lead in planning the festival and executing the festival. Her team has worked tirelessly calling potential sponsors, knocking on the doors of perspective donors, working with organizations to be venders, and collaborating with various families to make the Cornerstone Autism Foundation’s Fall Festival its flagship fundraising event.

    With a few weeks before the fest I wanted to highlight some of the wonderful things planned so far.

    Ride for Autism:

    Charity motorcycle ride

    West Lafayette Mayor John Dennis riding with the crew

    West Lafayette Fire Chief Tim Heath giving a speech

    Donuts by West Lafayette Marsh grocery store

    Coffee by Café Lumos

    Corn Hole

    Face painting

    Temporary tattoos

    Post celebration 4:00pm-7:00pm with:

    Live Music by:

    The Aardvark Eats

    JT Hickman

    Food & drinks provided by Barbara Huddleston, Sovereign Catering of Knickerbocker Bar & Saloon

    Rock Out for Autism:

    Performers will be:

    Greg Jones

    Jon McLaughlin

    Clayton Miller Band

    Roman Candle

    Autographed memorabilia and merchandise

    Special Guest Speaker:

    Democratic member of the Indiana House of Representatives Sheila Klinker

    Hors d’œuvres and refreshements will be provided by Sovereign Catering

    Family Fun Day:

    Petting zoo by Columbian Park

    Horse & pony rides by Pony Brook Stables

    Miniature Horses by Therapeion

    Hay Rides (straw bales donated from Home Depot)

    West Lafayette Fire engines

    Purdue Pete

    Boilermaker Special train

    Boilermaker Extra Special

    Andy Armadillo from Texas Roadhouse

    Bounce House, Obstacle Course, & Slide by Kerry Matthew, Party Town

    Fall games & activities

    Corn hole

    Face painting

    Temporary tattoos

    Huston Electric providing electricity

    Autism Society of Indiana will have a booth at the event

    “Someone on the Spectrum” parent support group will have a booth at the event

    Southpoint Clinic of Chiropractic

    Usborne Children’s Publishing


    Spicy Girls Boutique

    Imagination Station

    All Fired Up Pottery


    Maddie Paddie’s

    The Silver Dragonfly

    Urban Swirl

    Warm apple cider

    Popcorn, Cotton Candy, & Caramel candied apples by Beacon Academy

    Gluten free pizzas from Puccini’s

    Gluten free burritos from Chipotle

    Shepard Pie Irish stew from 9 Irish Brothers

    Shaved Ice from Gibson’s Shaved Ice

    Sandwiches from Jimmy Johns

    Food & drinks provided by Sovereign Catering

    Music provided by:

    David Crawford

    Paul Foster

    JT Hickman

    (For further updates check our Foundation Twitter and Facebook page)

    We have been receiving some great support from people who want to volunteer. I would like to take the time to recognize these people. Parrrotheads Party with a Purpose, Andrea Gilkison, 7th and 8th gradeTecumseh Junior High School spirit squad, Huntington BankAlpha Xi Delta, and Z93.5 (who will be giving concert tickets away on their radio station). And a huge thank you to Beacon Academy. They are helping us in so many ways.  They are helping draw in more sponsors, and will be doing various fundraising activities to help raise money for the Foundation and the event.

    Eagle Harley-Davidson and HOG Chapter #1188 have graciously partnered with us to make the Ride for Autism event the best is can be by helping create a safe and fun route and helping us with the registration process.

    Charity Stanfield donated her businesses radio spots to allow Cornerstone to promote the Fall Festival. A big thank you to her and her family!

    Hippensteel Funeral Home, Fishers Funeral Chapel, & Federated Church will donate chairs for Family Fun Day.

    Thanks to Express Air Coach for donating a limo for our special VIPs that will be attending the benefit concert.

    We couldn’t have gotten this far if not for receiving support from the community allowing us to post our events in their windows, on their online event calendars, and spreading the word to their patrons. We’ve gained great backing from organizations wanting to sponsor our event like Purdue Research Park,BurkhartWabash NationalColdwell Banker ShookBill DeFouw ChevroletWLFI Channel 18, KHY 93.5B 102.9Element ThreeAuto Glass ExpressFLIR Vision Systems, TNT Tree Service, and MRS Auto Inc.

    The money raised from this year’s event, will directly benefit children and families struggling with Autism in Tippecanoe County and Indiana.

    Be on the lookout for our commercial which airs on Ch. 18-WLFI, our billboards around town, our ads in the Journal & Courier, and our radio spots.

    These events are open to the public. We hope you are able to join us. Thank you, kindly, to our generous sponsors.  Tickets for the ride and concert are still available and may be purchased online or via phone at: 765.838.3547.

    We are still seeking vendors for our Family Day. To Register visit the same


    For any other questions you can e-mail Natalee Mace at or

    Cornerstone’s social media manager and Natalee’s community assistant, Jarrad Shaw,

    or call our office at 765-838-3547